The Holy Quran on Human Embryonic Formation

08:54:00 Add Comment

The Holy Quran on Human Embryonic Formation

In the Holy Quran, God speaks in regards to the stages of man’s embryonic development:
“We created man from an extract of clay.  Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed.  Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed substance)…” (Quran 23:12-14)

Practically, the Arabic word alaqah has three definitions: (1) leech, (2) suspended thing, and (3) blood clot.

In contrasting a leech to an embryo within the alaqah stage, we find likeness between the two as we can see in figure 1.  Also, the embryo during this period obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, much like the leech, which feeds on the blood of others.

Figure 1: images illustrating the similarities in features between a leech and a human embryo during the alaqah stage. (Leech drawing from human being Development as Described in the Quran and Sunnah, Moore as well as others, p. 37, altered from Integrated Principles of Zoology, Hickman yet others.  Embryo drawing through the Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 73.)

The 2nd meaning of the term alaqah is “suspended thing.”  This is that which we can see in figures 2 and 3, the suspension system of the embryo, during the alaqah stage, in the womb of the mother.

Figure 2: you will notice in this diagram the suspension of an embryo throughout the alaqah stage in the womb (uterus) of the mother. (The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 66.)

Figure 3: In this photomicrograph, you will see the suspension of an embryo (marked B) while in the alaqah stage (about 15 days old) in the womb of mother.  The actual sized the embryo is about 0.6 mm. (The Developing Human, Moore, 3rd ed., p. 66, from Histology, Leeson and Leeson.)

The 3rd concept of the word alaqah is “blood clot.”  we discover that the external visual appeal of the embryo and its sacs during the alaqah stage is comparable to that of a blood clot.  This is because of the presence of fairly large amounts of blood contained in the embryo during this stage[3]  (see figure 4).  Also with this stage, the blood in the embryo doesn't circulate until the termination of the third week. Thus, the embryo at this stage is just like a clot of blood.

Figure 4: Diagram for the primitive cardiovascular system in an embryo throughout the alaqah stage.  The outside appearance of the embryo and its sacs is comparable to that of a blood clot, due to the existence of relatively large levels of blood present in the embryo. (The Developing Human, Moore, 5th ed., p. 65.)

So three of the meanings of the word alaqah correspond precisely to the explanations of the embryo during the alaqah stage.
The next phase mentioned in the verse is a mudghah stage.  The Arabic term mudghah means “chewed substance.”  If a person were to take some gum and chew it in his or her mouth then compare it with an embryo at the mudghah stage, we might conclude that the embryo in the mudghah stage acquires the perception of a chewed substance.  Simply because of the somites at the rear of the embryo that “somewhat resemble teethmarks in a chewed substance.”(see figures 5 and 6).

Figure 5: image of an embryo at the mudghah level (28 days old).  The embryo at this point acquires the look of a chewed substance, considering that the somites at the rear of the embryo somewhat resemble teeth marks in a chewed material.  The specific size of the embryo is 4 mm. (The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 82, from Professor Hideo Nishimura, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.)

Figure 6: when you compare the appearance of an embryo at the mudghah stage with some gum that has-been chewed, we find similarity amongst the two.
A)        Drawing of an embryo during the mudghah stage.  We become aware of here the somites at the rear of the embryo that seem like teeth mark. (The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 79.)
B)        image of a piece of gum that's been chewed.

How could Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, have possibly identified all of this 1400 years ago, when experts have only recently discovered this using sophisticated equipment and powerful microscopes that did not exist at that moment?  Hamm and Leeuwenhoek had been the first scientists to look at human sperm cells (spermatozoa) utilizing an improved microscope in 1677 (more than 1000 years after Muhammad).  They wrongly thought that the sperm cell included a miniature preformed human being that grew with regards to got deposited in the female genital tract.

Prof Emeritus Keith L. Moore  is among the world’s most noticeable scientists in the fields of physiology and embryology and is the writer of the book entitled The Developing Human, that has been translated into eight languages.  This book is really a scientific reference work and was selected by a special committee in the usa as the best book authored by an individual.  Dr. Keith Moore is Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Cell Biology at University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.  There, he was Associate academic administrator of Basic Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine as well as 8 years was the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy.  In 1984, he was given the most distinguished award introduced in the field of anatomy in Canada, the J.C.B. Grant Award through the Canadian Association of Anatomists.  He's got directed many international associations, for instance the Canadian and American Association of Anatomists and also the Council of the Union of Biological Sciences.

Back in the early 1980s, during the Seventh Medical meeting in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Professor Moore said: “It's been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Quran about human development.  It is obvious to me that these statements must-have come to Muhammad from God, simply because almost all of this knowledge wasn't discovered until many centuries later.  This proves to me that Muhammad must-have been a messenger of God.”

Therefore, Professor Moore was asked the following question: “Does this mean which you believe that the Quran is the word of God?”  He answered: “I find no trouble in accepting this.”

During one seminar, Professor Moore stated: “....Because the staging of human embryos is complex, owing to the continuous process of change during development, it is suggested that a new system of category could be developed using the terms mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah (what Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said, did, or approved of).  The proposed system is simple, comprehensive, and conforms with present embryological knowledge.  The intensive studies of the Quran and hadeeth (reliably transmitted reports by the Prophet Muhammad’s companions of what he said, did, or approved of) in the last four years have revealed a system for classifying human embryos that is amazing since it was recorded in the seventh century A.D.  Although Aristotle, the founder of the science of embryology, realized that chick embryos developed in stages from his studies of hen’s eggs in the fourth century B.C., he did not give any details about these stages.  As far as it is known from the history of embryology, little was known about the staging and classification of human embryos until the twentieth century.  For this reason, the descriptions of the human embryo in the Quran cannot be based on scientific knowledge in the seventh century.  The only reasonable conclusion is: these descriptions were revealed to Muhammad from God.  He could not have known such details because he was an illiterate man with absolutely no scientific training."

The Quran on the Creation of the Universe

23:16:00 Add Comment

The Quran on the foundation of the Universe

Outline: A Scientific and Quranic description about the innovation of the universe.

The science of contemporary cosmology, observational and theoretic, clearly suggests that, at one moment in time, the whole universe was nothing more than a cloud of ‘smoke’ (i.e. an nontransparent highly dense and hot gaseous constitution).  This is among the undisputed principles of accepted modern cosmology.  Scientists now can discover new stars forming out from the remnants of that ‘smoke’ (see figures 1 and 2).

Figure 1: A Fresh star developing out of a cloud of gas and dust (nebula), and that is one of the remnants of the ‘smoke’ that has been the origin of the whole universe. (The Space Atlas, Heather and Henbest, p. 50.)

Figure 2: The Lagoon formulation is a cloud of gas and also dust, about 60 light-years in dimension.  It is excited because of the ultraviolet radiation of the hot stars which have recently formed within its mass. (Horizons, examining the Universe, Seeds, plate 9, at Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.)

The illuminating stars we have seen at night were, just like was the whole universe, in this particular ‘smoke’ material.  God has said in the Quran:
“Then He turned to the heaven when it was smoke...” (Quran 41:11)
Considering that the earth and the heavens preceding (the sun, the moon, stars, planets, galaxies, and so on.) have been formed out of this same ‘smoke,’ we conclude that the planet and the heavens were one associated entity.  Then from this homogeneous ‘smoke,’ they created and separated from one another. God has said in the Quran:
“Have not those who disbelieved known that the heavens and the earth were one connected entity, then We separated them?...” (Quran 21:30)

Dr. Alfred Kroner is among the world’s renowned geologists.  He is prof of Geology and the Chairman for the Department of Geology at the Institute of Geosciences, Johannes Gensfleisch Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany.  He explained: “Thinking where Muhammad (PBUH) came from . . . I believe it is almost impossible that he might have known about things like the most popular origin of the universe, because researchers have only found out in the last few years, with very complex and advanced technological techniques, that this is the situation.”  Also he replied: “someone who did not know something concerning nuclear physics 1400 years ago couldn't, I think, be in a place to find out from his own mind, for-instance, that the earth and the heavens encountered the same origin.”

The Quran on Mountains

05:37:00 1 Comment

The Quran on Mountains

Brief description: Both the Quran and scientific research agree to the architectural makeup of mountains and the role they perform in maintaining the stability of the planet.

A book worthy Earth is a fundamental reference textbook in a lot of universities throughout the world.  One of its 2 writers is Professor Emeritus Frank Press.  He had been the Science Advisor to previous US President Jimmy Carter, as well as for 12 years was the chairman of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC. His publication says that mountains have implicit in roots.
These types of roots are profoundly embedded in the ground, thus, mountains possess a shape like a peg.

Figure 1: Mountains have deep roots beneath the surface of ground level. (Earth, Press and Siever, p. 413.)

Figure 2: Conventional section.  The mountains, like pegs, have deep roots integrated in the ground. (Anatomy of the Earth, Cailleux, p. 220.)

Figure 3: yet another illustration shows the way the mountains are peg-like in shape, because of their deep roots. (Earth Science, Tarbuck and Lutgens, p. 158.)

This is the way the Quran has described mountains.  God has said in the Quran:

“Have We not made the earth as a bed, and the mountains as pegs?” (Quran 78:6-7)

Contemporary earth sciences have verified that mountains have deep roots under the top of ground (see figure 3) and that these roots can achieve several times their elevations over the surface of the ground.[2]  So the best option word to describe mountain ranges on the basis of this information is the word ‘peg,’ because most of a properly set peg is hidden beneath the surface of the ground.  The history of scientific research tells us that the thought of mountains having deep roots was presented only in aforementioned half of the 19th century.

Mountains also play a crucial role in stabilizing the crusting of the earth. They hinder the trembling of the world.  God has said in the Quran:

“And He has set firm mountains in the earth so that it would not shake with you...” (Quran 16:15)

Furthermore, the modern theory of plate tectonics keeps that mountains work as stabilizers when it comes to earth.  This knowledge in regards to the role of mountains as stabilizers for the planet has just begun to be recognized in the framework of plate tectonics considering that the late 1960’s.

Could anyone at this time whilst the Prophet Muhammad have known of the accurate shape of mountains?  Could anyone suppose that the solid massive mountain that he sees before him actually expands deep into the earth and carries a root, as scientists assert?  A huge number of books of geology, when speaking about mountains, only summarize that part which is above the surface of the world.  For the reason that these books were not authored by specialists in geology.  Nevertheless, modern geology has verified the truth of the Quranic verses.

The Earth’s Atmosphere - Islam Religion

05:20:00 Add Comment

The Earth’s Atmosphere

Definition: Modern scientific research has discovered information about the atmosphere talked about in the Quran over 1400 years ago.
"By the sky which returns." (Quran 86:11)
"[He] who made for you the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling…" (Quran 2:22)
Within the first verse God swears by the sky[1]  as well as its function of ‘returning’ without indicating what it ‘returns.’  In Islamic philosophy, a divine oath means the magnitude of importance of a unique relation to the inventor, and manifests His majesty and also the supreme Truth in a wonderful way.
The 2nd verse describes the incredible Act that made the sky a ‘ceiling’ for all the dwellers of planet.
Let us notice what modern atmospheric science has got to say about the role and purpose of the sky.
The atmosphere or climate is actually a word which denotes all of the air surrounding the planet earth, from the ground all the way up to the edge from where space starts.  The atmosphere consists of several layers, each defined because of the numerous phenomena which occur in the layer.

This image demonstrates the average temperature profile throughout the Earth’s atmosphere.  Temperatures in the thermosphere are extremely sensitive to solar activity and may vary from 500°C to 1500°C.  Source:

Rain, for one, is ‘returned’ to Earth because of the clouds in the atmosphere.  Describing the hydrologic cycle, Encyclopedia Britannica writes:
"Water evaporates by both the aquatic and terrestrial surroundings as it is heated up by the Sun’s energy.  The rates of evaporation and chemical process depend on solar energy, as do the habits of circulation of moisture floating around and currents in the ocean.  Evaporation surpasses precipitation over the oceans, and this water vapour is transported by the wind over land, in which it returns to the land through precipitation."

Besides the atmosphere return that was on the surface back to the area, but it reflects directly into space that which might damage the flora and fauna (plant life and animals) the earth maintains, such as excessive radiant-heat.  In the 1990’s, collaborations between NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and also the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) of Japan contributed to the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Science effort.  Polar, Wind and Geotail actually part of this initiative, incorporating resources and scientific communities to obtain coordinated, simultaneous investigations associated with the Sun-Earth space environment over a prolonged period of time.  They have an excellent description of how the atmosphere comes back solar heat to space.

In addition to ‘returning’ rain, heat and radio waves, the climate protects us like a ceiling above our heads by eliminating deadly cosmic rays, powerful ultraviolet (UV) radiation through the Sun, and even meteorites on impact course with Earth.

Encyclopedia Britannica, explaining the role of Stratosphere, informs us about its protective role in taking in dangerous ultraviolet radiation:
"In the upper stratospheric locations, absorption of ultraviolet light from the Sun destroys oxygen molecules; recombination of oxygen atoms with O2 substances into ozone (O3) creates the ozone layer, that shields the reduced ecosphere from harmful short-wavelength radiation…More disturbing, however, is the discovery of an ever growing depletion of ozone over temperate latitudes, in which a large percentage of the world’s inhabitants resides, since the ozone layer is a shield against ultraviolet radiation, that has been found to cause skin cancer."

The mesosphere is the layer for which many meteors burn up while getting into the Earth’s atmosphere.  Imagine a baseball zipping down at 30,000 miles per hour.  That is how big and fast numerous meteors are.  Whenever they plow through the atmosphere, meteors are incredibly hot to more than 3000 degrees Fahrenheit, so they glow.  A meteor compresses air in front side of it.  The air gets hotter, in turn heating the meteor.

It is an image which shows the Earth and its particular atmosphere.  The mesosphere could be the dark blue edge situated on the far top of the image beneath the back.
(Image courtesy of NASA)

Planet earth is surrounded by a magnetized force field - a globule in space called "the magnetosphere" tens of thousands of miles broad.  The magnetosphere acts as a shield that shields us from solar storms.  Nevertheless, according to new experiences from NASA’s IMAGE spacecraft and the joint NASA/European Space Agency Cluster satellites, immense cracks often times develop in Earth’s magnetosphere and remain opened for hours.  This enables the solar wind to gush thru and power stormy space weather conditions.  Fortunately, these cracks do not reveal Earth’s surface to the solar breeze.  Our atmosphere protects us, even if our magnetic field doesn't.

An artist’s performance of NASA’s IMAGE satellite flying by way of a ‘crack’ in Earth’s magnetized field.

How could it be possible for a 14th century desert dweller to explain the sky in a way so precise that only latest scientific discoveries have verified it?  The best way is if he received disclosure from the Creator of this sky.

Eleven Health Benefits of ‪‎Fasting‬

03:01:00 Add Comment

Eleven Health Benefits of ‪‎Fasting‬

  • Fasting promotes detoxification. As the body breaks down its fat reserves, it mobilizes and eliminates stored toxins.

  • Fasting gives the digestive system a much-needed rest. After fasting, both digestion and elimination are invigorated.

  • Fasting promotes the resolution of inflammatory processes, such as in rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Fasting quiets allergic reactions, including asthma and hay fever.

  • Fasting promotes the drying up of abnormal fluid accumulations, such as edema in the ankles and legs and swelling in the abdomen.

  • Fasting corrects high blood pressure without drugs. Fasting will normalize blood pressure in the vast majority of cases, the blood pressure will remain low after the fast, if the person follows a health-supporting diet and lifestyle.

  • Fasting makes it easy to overcome bad habits and addictions. Many people have overcome tobacco and alcohol addictions by fasting, and even drug addictions. Fasting rapidly dissipates the craving for nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and other drugs.

  • Fasting clears the skin and whitens the eyes. It is common to see skin eruptions clear while fasting, and the whites of the eyes never look so clear and bright as they do after fasting.

  • Fasting restores taste appreciation for wholesome natural foods. People say that their taste buds come alive after fasting and that food never tasted so good.

  • Fasting is the perfect gateway to a healthful diet and lifestyle. Going on a fast gives you the motivation and enthusiasm to make a fresh start.

  • Fasting initiates rapid weight loss with little or no hunger. Most people are surprised at how little desire for food they have while fasting.

Indeed, Allah knows what is best for us always!!

Virtues and importance of Reciting Surah Al Kahf

00:55:00 Add Comment

Virtues and importance of Reciting Surah Al Kahf on Friday

Quran is the word of Allah and every Muslim strongly believes in the authenticity and truthfulness of every single word. A Muslim for that reason, is always keen to understanding the Holy Quran and consults with Quran in every matter of life as well as tries to find out the desired instructions and guidelines. For a Muslim no text is much more sacred or truer than the Quran and anything that comes from it is accepted by Muslims without having any question.

In addition to utilizing Quran as means of receiving instructions on the code of conduct, Quran is also a way of gathering blessings and reward from Allah . When you're looking for gathering this reward, there are some verses or Surahs of Quran that include Surah Fatiha, Surah Ikhlas, Surah Kausar, etc… that take the lead over rest of the Surahs. One such Surah of Quran is Surah Al Kahf. The lines below talk about the major virtues of reading and reciting Surah Al Kahf as given in various hadiths of Prophet Muhammad ().

Surah al kahf:

Surah al Kahf is the 18th Surah of Quran and it also tells the story of the believers in ancient time period who when received the message of Truth accepted it. Then again, they were to face retaliation through the society they lived in and hence the flee from the city and found protective covering in a cave where Allah Almighty gave them sleep that continued for centuries and till then their whole city had converted into believers. 
This Surah gives the message that people who believe in Allah and ask for protection from Him, He gives them the best protection the likes of which the world has not ever seen. In addition to this illuminating message, the Surah also comes with a assortment of virtues as described in the hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The lines below discuss those virtues.

Virtue# 1:
It is narrated by Abu Saeed al-Khurdi, who said:
“Whoever reads Surah al Kahf on the night of Jummah, will have a light that will stretch between him and the Ancient House (Kabah).” (al-Jaami)

With regards to the recitation of Surah al Kahf on Friday night, another hadith narrates:
“Whoever reads Surah al Kahf on the day of Jummah will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next.” (al-Jaami)

Therefore, on Friday night, a Muslim must find time to sit down and recite Surah al Kahf and become one of the blessed ones.

Virtue# 2:
Prophet Muhammad () said:
“One who memorized the first ten verses of Surah al Kahf will be secure against the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).” (Muslim)
Hazrat Ibn Mardwiyah Al Daiyaa (RA) said that Prophet Muhammad () said in a hadith:
“Whoever reads Surah al Kahf on yaumul Jummah, he is immune for 8 days from all fitnah that will happen. When the Dajjal comes out, he will be immune to him.”

Bottom Line:

In short, Surah al Kahf is among the renowned Surahs of Quran. In addition to giving the message of Allah protecting those in miraculous ways who remain faithful to righteousness and stay on the right track, the Surah also comes with an assortment of virtues. It helps one expatiate from sins, gain blessings of Allah Almighty and organize one’s self for the end of days. Therefore, every Muslim man and woman must attempt getting into the habit of reciting Surah al Kahf on regular bases.

Death and the grave

10:59:00 Add Comment

Death occurs when the soul comes out of the body. Everyone has to die. Nothing can save one from death. The time of death is fixed for every individual. Nothing can delay it. 

When a person’s life is ending, the Angel Izra’eel comes to remove the Rooh (soul) from the dying person. When the dying person looks to his left and to his right, he sees Angels all over the place. 

The Angels of Mercy come to a Muslim. The Angels of Punishment come to the Kaafirs (disbelievers). 

A Muslim's soul is taken out quite easily and respect by the Angels of Mercy. A Kaafir’s soul is taken out with great pain and disgrace. When someone visits a grave, the souls see the person, recognize him or her and listen about what they are saying. They can even hear the footsteps of the visitors. 

What will happen after burial / death?

10:54:00 Add Comment
 After the person is buried, the grave tightens up and presses the dead. It presses the Muslim like a mother firmly welcomes her child. It squeezes a Kaafir in such a way that the left ribs are smashed and interlock with the right side.

When the people go out of a burial, the dead person hears the footsteps of the people. At that time, two Angels called Munkar and Nakeer come ripping through the earth with their long teeth. Their faces look very fearful and scary. Their bodies are black in colour. They have blue eyes, which are very large in size and are popping out of their foreheads. They are fiery. Their hair is very frightful and long from head to toe. Their teeth are also very long with which they rip through the earth. They wake up the dead shaking and rattling them. With great strength and a gruff voice, they ask these three questions:

a. ‘Who is your Lord?’
b. ‘What is your religion?’
c. ‘What did you used to say about this person?’

If the dead person is a Muslim, he will reply as follows:
a.  ‘My Lord is Allah.’
b.  ‘My religion is Islam.’
c.  ‘He (Muhammad) is Allah’s Messenger.’

Now a voice from the skies will be heard saying: “My servant has spoken the truth. Lay the tablecloth of Paradise for him. Give him clothes from Paradise to wear and open the doors of Paradise (jannah) for him.” The cool air and the sweet fragrance of jannah will fill the air. The grave will be made wide and large. The Angels will say: “Sleep like a groom sleeps on his wedding night,” this will be for the good pious Muslims. The sinful will be punished according to their sins. This punishment will continue for a time. The pumishment can stop when somebody supplicates (makes Du’a) for the dead person or when Allah the Most Merciful shows His Mercy to the dead.

If the dead person is a hypocrite (Munafiq), then he will not be able to answer the questions and will say  meaning “Shame, for know nothing.” A caller will shout: “He is a liar, lay the table-cloth of fire for him, and give him clothes of fire to wear and open the doors of Hell for him, for which the heat of Hell will reach him.” There will be two Angels who will punish him and hit him with huge hammers of fire. Enormous scorpions and snakes will also bite him continuously. Different types of punishments will be meted out to him imtil the day of Resurrection. 

Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close

14:27:00 Add Comment

What ratio of terror attacks in america and European countries are done by Muslims? Imagine. Nope. Guess again. And once again...

“Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.” How many times have you heard that one? Sure, we heard Fox News’s Brian Kilmeade say it, but to me, that was simply part of the Fox News plan to make their viewers dumber, as we saw again this past weekend when its terrorism “expert” Steve Emerson wascaught fabricating the story that Birmingham, England, is closed to non-Muslims. But more alarmingly, even some reasonable people have uttered this statement.

Hence remark is usually followed up by the question: Why never we come across Christian, Buddhist, or Jewish terrorists?

Definitely, you'll find individuals who truly see themselves as Muslims who have dedicated awful acts in the name of Islam. We Muslims can make the instance that their steps aren't according to any part of the faith but on one's own political agenda. However they are Muslims, no refusing that.

Then again, and will also likely surprise many, so you may need to take a breath: absolutely, anyone who has devoted terrorist attacks in america and Europe are not Muslims. Let’s present that a moment to sink in.

Well, it’s not your own mistake if you are not aware about that fact. You can blame the media. (Yes, Sarah Palin and I really agree on a factor: The traditional media sucks.)


Here are a few reports for all those interested. Let’s begin with Europe. Like to guess what percentage of the terrorist attacks there were done by Muslims during the last 5 years? Wrong. That's, unless you replied lower than 2 percent.

As Europol, the European Union’s law-enforcement agency, revealed with its report released just last year, nearly all of terror attacks in Europe were perpetrated by separatist organizations. For example, in 2013, there were 152 terror attacks in Europe. Simply two of them were “religiously motivated,” whereas 84 were predicated upon ethno-nationalist or separatist thinking.

Or what about the (dare I mention them) Jewish terrorists? Per the 2013 State Department’s report on terrorism, there were 399 acts of terror committed by Israeli settlers.

Christian terrorists

After among the evil terror attacks ever in Europe in 2011, when Anders Breivik slaughtered 77 individuals in Norway to help promote his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and pro-“Christian Europe” agenda as he produced in his manifesto, just how much press did we notice in the United States? Yes, it was covered, but not how we see when a Muslim terrorist is involved. Plus we didn’t see terrorism specialists fill the cable news world asking the way we can stop next Christian terrorist attack. In reality, even the recommendation that Breivik was a “Christian terrorist” was came across with indignation by many, such as Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly.

And if they fail to find any Islamic terrorist group so they made one

And never say them Terrorist 

Know about more Christian terrorist groups check below links

10 of the Worst Terror Attacks by Extreme Christians and Far-Right White Men

6 modern-day Christian terrorist groups our media conveniently ignores

Jews Terrorists

There is big list of jewish terrorist groups here we cant share all of them but sharing some of them.

Jewish Defense League
The most zealous non-governmental Zionist terrorist group is the Jewish Defense League. Its activists are engaged in a large selection of criminal activity, and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has
continuously reported it as a criminal terrorist group.


A 2004 FBI investigation revealed about 15 terrorist attacks were done by the JDL in the 1980s only. In 2001, the leader of the JDL, Irv Rubin, was arrested and charged with planning to explode a mosque in Los Angeles.


Jewish Terror Attack in.... Paris!
GSC are recognized in the Middle East as a Zionist Action Group, and have claimed responsibility for the terror attack. They're related with the Jewish Defense League, who're mixed up in UK and USA. The GSC became a lot more active in Europe.

paris pali

British Muslim groups are involved that they're a lot more in danger of attack.
A couple weeks ago, many Muslim organisations were warned by New Scotland Yard to be prepared for such attacks.

Now Hitler Was Right
Violent Attacks, “Hitler was right” “Death to Jews” Mark Pro-Terror Demos Across the World

More about jewish terror
Ex-Mossad agent speaks out
German TV exposes CIA, Mossad links to 1986 Berlin disco bombing
Jewish Terror Groups in Palestine

Jews wrong tries!

Extremist Buddhist Monks

A Buddhist terrorist group named 969 killing Muslims
The US-based Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium (TRAC) has deSri Lanka’s Bodu Bala Sena, a radical Buddhist group guided by monks, as a terrorist organisation

“It has organised various campaigns against the country’s minority Muslim and Christian communities which, according to the organisation, poses a threat to Sri Lanka’s Sinhalese-Buddhist identity,” adds TRAC.

“False statements about Islam by the BBS have caused mob violence and attacks against Muslims and Muslim establishments in the past,” said Thajudeen.

Read more!

Hindu Terrorists

RSS workers in muslim Costume doing dirty work
Narendra Modi is the biggest terrorist in India, says Nitish's minister report

"Narendra Modi is the biggest terrorist in the country and it is only natural that he talks about threat to the country from terrorists. One who kills others feels threatened and always moves around security in the fear that he might be killed," said Bihar's Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh.


An FBI study reveals that just a small portion of terrorist attacks applied on U.S. territory between 1980 and 2005 were perpetrated by Muslims.

DEAN OBEIDALLAH from published this article..

Now where are Muslims? They are not even close to terrorism this is just media war against Islam. And if they able to show you Muslim terrorist remember they made them!

Spread the message!



11:12:00 Add Comment
Introduction to Ramadan, the Islamic thirty day period (a month) of fasting. Its Name as well as Origin, Prayer & reading of The Qur'an, events of Ramadan & medical advantages of Fasting.

Name Origin

Ramadan is a Muslim religious honoring that takes place during the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, regarded as for being the month in which the Qur'an started to be revealed.
Title "Ramadan" is taken from the name of that month; the word itself taken from from an Arabic word for extreme heat, scorched ground, and truncation of rations. It is thought about the most venerated and endowed month of the Islamic year. Prayers, sawm (fasting), charity, as well as self-accountability are most definitely stressed at this time period; religious observances with regards to Ramadan are kept for the duration of the month.
Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Power), which comes over the last third, commemorates the revelation of the first verses of the Qur'an and is considered the absolute most holy night that happens once a year. Ramadan ends with the holiday Eid ul-Fitr, on which feasts are presented. Throughout the month following Ramadan, called Shawwal, Muslims are encouraged to fast for an additional six days.

Fasting - Sawm

The most noticeable event of this month is the fasting (sawm) practiced by the the majority of observant Muslims. Every day through the month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world get-up before dawn to take in the Suhoor meal (the pre dawn meal) and perform their fajr prayer. They break their fast as soon as the fourth prayer of the day, Maghrib (sunset), is due.
During Ramadan, Muslims are anticipated to put more effort into following the teachings of Islam and in order to prevent obscene and irreligious sights and sounds. Sexual activities during fasting period of time are also forbidden.[Qur'an 2:187] pureness of both thought as well as action is important. The fast will probably be an exacting act of deep personal worship through which Muslims seek a raised level of intimacy to God Almighty. The act of fasting is said to refocus the heart away from worldly actions, its purpose being to cleanse the inner heart and soul and free it from harm. Properly observing the fast really should induce a comfortable feeling of peace and calm. It also permits Muslims to practice self-discipline, sacrifice, and sympathy for individuals who are less fortunate, intended to make Muslims more generous as well as charitable. Muslims can eat after the sun has set. Pregnant women, the older people, the ill and kids less than 12 years of age are all exempted from fasting as lack of food could damages healthiness.

Prayer and Reading of The Qur'an

Together with fasting, Muslims are encouraged to read the entire Qur'an.
Sunni Muslims tend to perform the recitation of the complete Qur'an by means of special prayers, known as Tarawih, which are held in the Masajid every night of the month, when a whole section of the Qur'an (juz, which is 1/30 of the Qur'an) is recited, so that by the end of the month the whole Qur'an has been completed. Tarawih is an Arabic phrase referring to the people extra prayers. This prayer is performed after salah of Isha'a, but before the witr rakat.
Muslims also pay Zakat (only relevant if one can afford it) throughout the month. If you qualify to pay Zakaat, according to the Islamic Nisab (that is those whose wealth exceeds his or her necessities), of the remaining of their wealth earned in that Islamic twelve months. Although Zakat can be paid at any time of the year, it needs to be calculated on a year to year perspective, and several Muslims use Ramadan as the month for calculation and expense.
Ramadan is also a time when Muslims have always been to slow down from worldly issues and focus on self-reformation, spiritual cleansing and enlightenment, developing a link between God Almighty and by themselves by prayer, supplication, charity, good deeds, kindness and helping other people.

Because it is a festival of giving as well as sharing, Muslims prepare exclusive foods and buy presents for their family and friends and also for giving to the poor and impoverished who cannot afford it, this can incorporate buying new clothes, shoes along with other items of need. There is additionally a social aspect included - the preparing of special meals and inviting people when it comes to Iftar meal (the meal to break the Fast).

In many Muslim as well as non Muslim countries with large Muslim populations, marketplaces close down in the evening to enable individuals to perform prayers and consume the Iftar meal (the meal to end the fast) - these markets then re-open and remain open for a good part of the night. Muslims can be seen going shopping, eating, spending time with their friends and family throughout the evening hours.

Activities of Ramadan

Laylat al-Qadr, literally the "Night of Decrees" or "Night of Measures" or "Night of Power", is the anniversary of 2 extremely important dates in Islam that happened in the month of Ramadan. Muslims believe that it was the night of the Laylat al-Qadr that the Quran's first verse was revealed. The exact night of the Laylat al-Qadr is only known to God and Muhammad ﷺ but he decided to keep it to himself so that Muslims won't pray only that night. That is why Muhammad ﷺ indicated it absolutely was one of the last ten odd nights of Ramadan.
The Islamic holiday of Eid ul-Fitr marks the completion of the fasting period of Ramadan and also the first day of the following month, after the other emerging moon has been sighted. The Eid comes after 29 or 30 days of fasting, as per the lunar sighting. Eid ul-Fitr means that the Festival of Breaking the Fast, a particular celebration is made. Food is bequeathed to the poor (Zakat al-Fitr), everyone adds on their best, preferably new, clothes, and communal prayers take place in the early morning, followed by feasting and visiting family members and friends. The prayer is two rakaahs only, and it is an optional prayer rather than the compulsory 5 daily prayers. According to one current school of consideration (Ankaboot), it is suggested that North American Muslims arrange their particular work-schedule for Eid by requesting the two main most likely days of Eid as Holidays or simply as day off from work. This enables for quality family duration, and is akin to the Christian/North American tradition of taking Christmas and Christmas Eve off as holidays. And also this allows for time off celebrating the Eid prayer at a Masajid and with family. The fast always ends after 29 or 30 days of fasting, and therefore the request would be for the 29th and 30th day following the start of the fast.
Muslims are motivated to fast six days in Shawwal, the month next Ramadan that begins after Eid ul-Fitr; these days doesn't have to be consecutive. According to hadith, one who fasts the month of Ramadan and six days during Shawwal will be rewarded as though he fasted the entire year.

Medical Benefits of Ramadan

Ramadan is a month of self-regulation and self-training, with the expectation that this training will last beyond the end of Ramadan. If the lessons learned throughout Ramadan, whether in terms of dietary intake or righteousness, are carried on after Ramadan, there results will be long lasting. Additionally, the type of food taken during Ramadan doesn't have any selective criteria of fad diets such as those which are protein only or fruit only type diet programs. Everything that is permissible is consumed in moderate amounts.
The distinction between Ramadan and total fasting is the timing for the food; during Ramadan, we basically miss lunch time and take an early breakfast time and do not eat until sunset. Abstinence from water for 8 to 10 hours is definitely not bad for health and in fact, it causes concentration of all body fluids within the body, producing slight dehydration. The body features its own water conservation mechanism; in fact, it has been shown that slight dehydration and water preservation, at least in plant life, enhance their longevity.
The physiological effect of fasting contains lowering of blood sugar, lowering of cholesterol as well as lowering of the systolic blood pressure levels. In fact, Ramadan fasting include an ideal recommendation for the treatment of mild to moderate, stable, non-insulin diabetes, obesity, and indispensable hypertension.
Fasting is a unique act of worship and that is only between humans and God since nobody else knows for sure if this person is honestly fasting. Thus God says in hadith Qudsi that "Fasting is for Me and I only will reward it". In another hadith, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (peace be upon him) has said "If one does not give up falsehoods in words and actions, God has no need of him giving up food and drink".

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Angles Ask for Forgiveness

23:33:00 Add Comment

Sayyidatuna Umm-e-Ummarah has reported, "The Prophet of Mankind, The peace of our heart and mind, the most Generous and kind() visited my home and i served some food in the blessed court of the Holy Prophet (). He () said to me, 'You eat too.' I replied that i am observing fast. The prophet of Rahmah () said, 'As logn as the food is eaten in from of one observing fast, the angles keep on asking forgiveness for him. (Sunan-ut-Tirmizi, vol.2, pp. 205, Hadis 785).

Islam is actually a Religion of Peace

23:09:00 Add Comment

Are Muslims terrorists?

It is very inauspicious that nowadays, Islam has become synonymous with 'Terrorism'. Far from promoting terrorism, Islam is a religion of peace whose basic principles teach its followers to maintain and encourage peace and justice throughout  the world. Islam doesn't condone 'terrorism' as defined and comprehended nowadays: plane  hijackings, hostage takings and the torturing and killing of the impeccant in order to achieve political and/or religious goals. This is not how Islam instructs Muslims to solve their problems, achieve their goals, or to distribute their religion.

The question that should be published instead is: Do the teachings of Islam  promote terrorism? Certainly not, Islam completely prohibits all terrorist acts. It ought to be remembered that all religions have elements of misguided followers. To be impartial and simply, one must consider the teachings of the religious beliefs, as they are the yardstick by which the actions of their adherents can be assessed as being right or wrong. 

It is totally unfair to judge Islam by the wrongdoers of some misguided or ignorant Muslims, or by the going down hill condition of Muslims and the blatant corruption that pervades the Muslim worldwide. In fact, What Islam preaches is one thing and what some Muslims in today's world practice is something completely another. 

The only way we can do justice to Islam is to discover about its noble teachings, which have been clearly set out in the Glorious Quran and Blessed Prophetic ways of life.

Islam is a religion of peace, and that is acquired by submitting ones will to the will of the supreme Creator, Almighty Allah. 

Islam promotes peace but simultaneously, it exhorts its followers to fight oppressiveness. The fight against oppression may, at circumstances, require the use of force, and in some cases force has to be used to help maintain peace.  Certainly, Islamic Law allows war under specific circumstances. Any religion or civilization which doesn't do that, would never survive.

But Islam never condones assaults against innocent people, women or children. Islam also obviously forbids' taking the law into Ono's own hands', which means that  that individual Muslims cannot go around deciding what they would like to do by killing or punishing. Trail and punishment must simply be carried out by a lawful authority as well as a qualified judge.


23:18:00 Add Comment

All Muslims are bound to say ‘Sall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam’, whenever they hear or write the name of Holy Prophet Mohammed  () as you may have observed, in the previous sentence I said ‘Sall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam’ in Arabic after the name of the Holy Prophet. In Holy Quran, Allah says “Indeed Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet; O People who believe! Send blessings and abundant salutations upon him” – (Chapter 33, Verse 56).

The saying ‘Sall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam’ means ‘May Allah honour him and grant him peace’. While Muslims do say ‘Sall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam’ when they hear the name of Holy Prophet Mohammed (), however when the name will be written in MSWord or Outlook, they face with difficult task of writing the phrase in Arabic language font. Perhaps you have realized, it’s not simple to type the phrase in Arabic language, especially when you are operating on an English keyboard. To get over this challenge, it became a commonly acknowledged practice among Muslims to write the English interpretation of ‘, that is ‘May Allah honor him and grant him peace’.

Now It is become very  handy to write in ms word or any ms office documents . Without going into a bit much of technical details, here’s an well-designed solution to typing in a MS word or any MS Office files.

To open MS Word , press "Windows-key + R" to open run box and tyem "winword" without qoute.

To type in MS Word or any MS office Document:

(1) Enter FDFA.

(2) Type ‘Alt+x’. (Hold on to ‘Alt’ key and press ‘x’ key.) As soon as you type ‘Alt+x”, ‘FDFA’ is transformed into

Unicode for ‘ is ‘FDFA’.

Below codes allow Unicode Values of common Arabic language Words/Phrases:

Arabic Phrase/Word

English Transliteration




Sall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam






















Like, if you would like type ﷲ, then

(1) Write ‘FDF2’.

(2) Type ‘Alt + x’ (Hold on to ‘Alt’ key and press ‘x’ key). MS Word or any other Office document will next convert FDF2 to ﷲ.