How Do We Know God Exists?

How Do We Know God Exists?

God exists Even on a tremendously fundamental level we discover that throughout history there is a very unusual phenomenon that people associated with various backgrounds, living in so many various areas of the world at different points in time, have consistently had this strong urge within themselves to look and to crave for the Creator.

They observe that there is some power, a splendid and merciful power that is sometimes interpreted in a mistaken way by materializing that in a few form or other (i.e. idols). The basic yearning has long been there. Even in places where there is no recorded reputation for a particular prophet, people have yearned for the Creator. That’s what I’m talking about as an unconditioned nature.
The Arabic term is ‘fitra.’ Fitra actually translates to: something that one is made with or created in accordance with: this innate nature.

Is the intelligence an enemy to faith?

On the personal or individual stage, one does not have to venture far to comprehend that God does exist. Just consider yourself, you don’t need to be a scientist but if you are then you will be thankful for more the construction of the human body; how it is constructed from many cells. One cell becomes a cell for sight and also the other for hearing; it’s amazing. How exactly does the brain operate? The cardiovascular system? The digestive system? The neurological system? Such coordination and elegance [is shown through their functioning].
This demonstrates that these things didn’t come to be in a hit-or-miss way, there must have been a planned design behind them. So in case you want to find God then look into your self.
The Quran says, “By looking into yourselves, you will find evidence to the presence and powers of God.”

The Atmosphere and Cosmic Order

Let’s proceed to beyond our selves, to find further proof, the Quran also implores people to take into consideration and to think. Take taking care of that many people think about today as very stylish, like the ecological stability for example. Many people would take that as specific evidence again that there's a design in this universe; vegetation as it pertains to animal life and to human life; and the various atmospherical layers that we have. Everything is put together to maintain human life.
If you research the Quran, you find this pointed out. In one verse, in the Quran, it says,
“God created everything in exact proportion.” (16:25) This is a very important term “in exact proportion” it’s not just that He created but that there's a deliberate design behind placing all of these things collectively.
 In another verse, when anyone look at the whole scheme of creation, it says, “Were they created from nothing or are they themselves the creators?” No one claims that he’s created out of nothing nor can he claim that he is the creator [of the heavens and earth].
Then the verse continues, “Or did they create the heavens and earth?” No one claims that. Then it says, “Nay but they see not.” (52: 35-36) So the science is here. It’s whether we apply it within the right place and in the appropriate way or not that makes all the difference.

Our Very Own Limitations

In talking about the senses as well as the intellect or knowledge, I think anybody, even a person who does not have faith in God, would admit readily which our senses are limited. Our impressions are limited. Our sight, hearing, etc- we understand that. Also, we know which our perceptions could also be fooled or they can mislead us. If you put a spoon in a glass of water, it appears to be crooked.
A very well-known phenomenon is of people traveling within the desert or in hot areas and might see in front of them a river or a puddle of water- the misconception- but it actually does not exist. At that time it is seen it is a reality to the person seeing it. So our understanding is very useful, but it still fails to deliver of getting to know everything.

There are problems that regardless of how much you use your mind you simply will not be able to arrive at a final conclusions. An example of that would be understanding about God. You can not feel the presence of God. You can feel the attributes of God however you can’t have full understanding without having a prophet or messenger in receiving that disclosure from God and the communication from Him to us. So, essentially, I do not see contradiction. Actually, they all supplement each other. They need to be simply used in the proper framework.